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What is Smart Packaging
What is Smart Packaging | Jul 12 2020
Smart packaging types and benefits. Find out how smart packaging impacts your marketing and customer engagement.
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How the Internet of Things is Revolutionizing Consumer Packaged Goods
How the Internet of Things is Revolutionizing Consumer Packaged Goods | Jul 05 2020
Advances in 'smart' technology have the potential to revolutionize global industry on every level, including CPG.
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Remote Patient Monitoring During COVID-19
Remote Patient Monitoring During COVID-19 | Jun 30 2020
since COVID-19 has spread throughout the world and many countries, like the USA, they are still struggling with spreading cases and deaths
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COVID-19 and the Move to E-commerce
COVID-19 and the Move to E-commerce | Jun 21 2020
Amid the Coronavirus pandemic that has swept across the world, shopping at retail stores has become an even further thing of the past.
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COVID-19 and the Ease of Purchasing from Home
COVID-19 and the Ease of Purchasing from Home | Jun 14 2020
Consumers have been engaging in online purchasing for years, but that has only increased since COVID-19 has affected most of the globe.
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Coronavirus and the Move to DTC
Coronavirus and the Move to DTC | May 31 2020
DTC stands for direct to consumer. However, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic it would make sense for understand for due to coronavirus.
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Coronavirus and Hydration: Is There a Connection?
Coronavirus and Hydration: Is There a Connection? | May 24 2020
While there is no way you can completely prevent yourself from contracting the coronavirus, there are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of becoming infected.
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COVID-19 and Vitamins: How Does Vitamin D Play a Key Role?
COVID-19 and Vitamins: How Does Vitamin D Play a Key Role? | May 18 2020
The rise and spread of COVID-19 around the world hit with force and furry. It led governments, doctors, scientists, and civilians to quickly change their everyday life.
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Smart Packaging Systems: The Basics
Smart Packaging Systems: The Basics | May 03 2020
Smart packaging is becoming more and more popular, although there is still quite a long way to go and only a handful of companies have really started digging deep in this area.
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Smart Packaging Technology: The Most Popular Tech of Today
Smart Packaging Technology: The Most Popular Tech of Today | Apr 26 2020
In this article, we are going to take a deeper look at some of the most popular forms of smart packaging technologies that are already being used today.
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The Rise of Pill Dispensers
The Rise of Pill Dispensers | Apr 19 2020
These types of systems make compliance so much easier for patients and make it easier for doctors to treat their patients in the most effective way possible.
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Global Packaging: How It’s Progressing to Smart Packaging
Global Packaging: How It’s Progressing to Smart Packaging | Apr 05 2020
Global packaging is evolving into a world where intelligent packaging is going to take over and become the main form of packaging within the next decade.
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Different Types of Vitamin Packaging
Different Types of Vitamin Packaging | Mar 29 2020
In this post, we are going to take a deeper look into some of the newest types of vitamin packaging that people today are loving.
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What are the Benefits of a Pill Reminder App?
What are the Benefits of a Pill Reminder App? | Mar 22 2020
pill reminder apps help users remember to take their medications, when they need to take their medications, and how much they need to take for their dosage.
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Vitamin Manufacturers: How They Make Vitamins and How They are Packaged
Vitamin Manufacturers: How They Make Vitamins and How They are Packaged | Mar 15 2020
Packaging for vitamins using smart packaging tech is only getting better, more interesting, and more useful for both the company and their customers.
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Smart Pills: What Are These Edible Digital Pills?
Smart Pills: What Are These Edible Digital Pills? | Mar 08 2020
The pill is equipped with a sensor that is made from silicone, copper, and magnesium. The sensor can send a special electrical signal to a device that can connect to the pill.
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The Best Medicine Apps: How to Track Your Medication like a Pro
The Best Medicine Apps: How to Track Your Medication like a Pro | Mar 01 2020
Taking your prescribed medications can often be challenging to remember. We lead busy lives and sometimes life gets in the way and we forget to take our medications.
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What are Pill Dispensers?
What are Pill Dispensers? | Feb 23 2020
We are going to take a look at the actual benefits of pill dispensers and how they can help the ongoing medication adherence issue we are facing today.
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Medication Adherence Platform
Medication Adherence Platform | Feb 16 2020
These pill bottles are able to track when a patient actually takes their medication due to the sensors placed in the cap of the bottle.
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Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms and How to Fix It
Vitamin D Deficiency: Symptoms and How to Fix It | Feb 09 2020
Vitamin D plays a major role in your body’s immune system and a lack of this vitamin can lower your immunity to common illnesses.
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What is Luxury Packaging and Why is it Popular?
What is Luxury Packaging and Why is it Popular? | Feb 02 2020
A luxury product is not just about the products itself. The packaging that it comes in is equally as important to the customer.
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Baldness and Minerals: More than One Connection
Baldness and Minerals: More than One Connection | Jan 26 2020
People tend to forget that general health is quite important for the quality of your hair as well. So, how do minerals and metals affect our health?
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Data Ethics: What is it and Why is it Important?
Data Ethics: What is it and Why is it Important? | Jan 19 2020
Data ethics has become a new branch of ethics that that looks at and evaluates all of the moral issues that are associated with data.
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Automatic Replenishment System: What Are the Biggest Benefits?
Automatic Replenishment System: What Are the Biggest Benefits? | Jan 12 2020
Another major benefit for an automatic system is it can save a lot of time, energy, and resources for the company as well.
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What is Primary Packaging? A Basic Guide
What is Primary Packaging? A Basic Guide | Jan 05 2020
Primary packaging, secondary packaging, and tertiary packaging are all their own things, believe it or not.
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What is Packaging? The Basics of Meaning and Definition
What is Packaging? The Basics of Meaning and Definition | Dec 29 2019
If you want to learn about the bare bone's basics of packaging, you have come to the right place.
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What is Custom Packaging and What are the Benefits?
What is Custom Packaging and What are the Benefits? | Dec 22 2019
Custom packaging and standard packaging are different because custom packaging allows products and companies to make their own unique package versus.
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Sustainable Packaging
Sustainable Packaging | Dec 15 2019
Smart packaging systems refers to packaging systems that that incorporate sensors and other technologies to enhance the product packaging itself in a variety of different ways.
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Sustainable Packaging
Sustainable Packaging | Dec 08 2019
Sustainable packaging is gaining an ample amount of popularity all around the world as people become increasingly more concerned about how much waste we are producing.
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IoT-Based Digital Transformation Services
IoT-Based Digital Transformation Services | Dec 03 2019
IoT has a lot to do with helping to provide better customer experience as well as a more tailored experience for customers.
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Personalized Food: How Nutrition is Changing
Personalized Food: How Nutrition is Changing | Nov 17 2019
Just about everything we are seeing today is personalized. People love items they feel are specifically tailored to them and are special in some way.
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Smart Packaging Design: The Basic Elements
Smart Packaging Design: The Basic Elements | Nov 10 2019
Designing a smart package is a critical step for ensuring the final package for a product is not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing.
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Digital Transformation Consulting
Digital Transformation Consulting | Nov 03 2019
With more and more companies embracing and beginning the digital transformation journey, the rise of digital transformation consulting has begun.
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Digital Transformation Strategy - What is it?
Digital Transformation Strategy - What is it? | Oct 27 2019
Digital transformation is a new concept that defines how a company completely integrates digital technology into all areas of a business.
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Digital Business Transformation
Digital Business Transformation | Oct 22 2019
If you are not currently partaking in digital transformation or perhaps aren’t even sure what it is, you have come to the right place.
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Customer Loyalty Programs
Customer Loyalty Programs | Oct 13 2019
You have probably heard of a customer loyalty program and have likely been a part of a loyalty program at least once before.
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Packaging Trends for 2020
Packaging Trends for 2020 | Sep 29 2019
With 2020 only five months away, people are already beginning to discuss and wonder what this new year is going to offer, particularly in the smart packaging industry.
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Packaging Design and Why It’s so Important
Packaging Design and Why It’s so Important | Sep 22 2019
In a world that is saturated with many of the same products, having a fun, creative, unique, artistic, and highly functional product package is critical.
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Water Drinking Reminder
Water Drinking Reminder | Sep 16 2019
People are beginning to realize how important it is to drink enough water during the course of the day.
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The Top Packaging Companies
The Top Packaging Companies | Sep 09 2019
The packaging industry is a much market, but there are a handful of companies that continue to make it to the top of the list again and again.
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Edible Packaging
Edible Packaging | Sep 01 2019
You can now take packaging to a whole new level with edible food packaging.
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Is Custom Packaging Necessary
Is Custom Packaging Necessary | Aug 25 2019
Today, customization is one of the biggest keys to success in just about all industries. Customers are looking for a tailored and personalized experience .
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Cosmetic Packaging
Cosmetic Packaging | Aug 18 2019
With so much growth and competition in the cosmetics industry today, the packaging of these products need to be pretty, attractive, unique, fun, and informative.
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Intelligent Packaging: What the Future Holds
Intelligent Packaging: What the Future Holds | Aug 11 2019
Packaging is getting smarter and more intelligent by the day. Intelligent packaging is aiming to make customers lives even better and easier.
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3 Innovative Packaging Ideas
3 Innovative Packaging Ideas | Aug 04 2019
Innovative packaging is growing exponentially. Companies are looking to make their products standout and are using packaging design to carve out their own unique identities.
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Personalized Vitamin Packs
Personalized Vitamin Packs | Jul 28 2019
Personalized home delivery services have gained an exponential amount of popularity in recent years.
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Smart Vitamins Bottle
Smart Vitamins Bottle | Jul 21 2019
Taking vitamins and supplements is a great way to improve your overall heath or treat and prevent certain conditions and problems that you are struggling with.
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Top 4 Packaging Innovations of 2019
Top 4 Packaging Innovations of 2019 | Jul 14 2019
If you think packaging of good is simple, boring, and does not require an intensive innovation process, that is certainly not the case.
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Medication Reminders and Why They Are Important
Medication Reminders and Why They Are Important | Jul 07 2019
Patient adherence to taking medications properly and remembering to take their prescribed medications is important, but often neglected and not done properly.
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Digital Transformation in CPG
Digital Transformation in CPG | Jun 30 2019
CGP, also known as consumer packages goods, is going through a major transformation process in the digital world.
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Vitamin D3: Why It’s Important and How to Increase Your Intake
Vitamin D3: Why It’s Important and How to Increase Your Intake | Jun 16 2019
In order for your body to function well, absorb calcium, and aid in bone growth, your body needs vitamin D. If you have low vitamin D levels, it can also mean you are at greater risk for breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, depression, anxiety, weight gain, and heart disease.
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Vitamin B6: Everything You Need to Know
Vitamin B6: Everything You Need to Know | Jun 12 2019
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin and is an essential nutrient for the body. It helps with just about every function in your body and keep everything running smoothly.
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Vitamin B3: 5 Science-Based Benefits
Vitamin B3: 5 Science-Based Benefits | Jun 10 2019
Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is an essential vitamin and nutrient for your body. Your body uses B3 for many different functions to happen properly. You can take vitamin B3 in pill or capsule form, but you can also get B3 through many different foods.
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The Ultimate Vitamin K sources
The Ultimate Vitamin K sources | Jun 05 2019
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin our bodies need. We cannot live without it and it helps many of our bodies processes function properly and efficiently. Vitamin A helps our body clot blood and promote bone and heart health.
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The Best Sources of Vitamin A
The Best Sources of Vitamin A | Jun 02 2019
Vitamin A is an important vitamin for the human body. Vitamin A is stored in your liver and it provides your body with many benefits.
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Supplement Source: Where Do Vitamins Come From?
Supplement Source: Where Do Vitamins Come From? | May 28 2019
So, you take your vitamins every day. Maybe it is a multivitamin or a few specific vitamins and supplements that support different areas of the body or take care of your own personal concerns.
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Bulk Supplements: Where Do Their Supplements Come From?
Bulk Supplements: Where Do Their Supplements Come From? | May 26 2019
Bulk Supplements is a large bulk supplement company that carries clean and pure vitamins and minerals used to make a wide variety of vitamin blends and supplements.
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Are Multivitamins Worth It
Are Multivitamins Worth It | May 19 2019
Ever since you were a kid, have your parents told you to remember to take your multivitamin every day to stay healthy and strong? You likely remember those chalky fruit flavored vitamins in cartoon shapes you had to eat every morning.
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Trends in Smart Packaging
Trends in Smart Packaging | May 12 2019
Smart packaging takes regular packaging a step further than just to protect the product inside of a package. Regular packaging’s full purpose is to simply protect the item inside from any kind of damage. Damage can include breakage, spoilage, etc.
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What is Reminder Packaging
What is Reminder Packaging | May 05 2019
Many forms of smart packaging exist today, and more and more advancements in smart packaging continue to develop.
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The Internet of Insurance
The Internet of Insurance | Apr 29 2019
The Internet of Insurance is a relatively new concept. It is a type of insurance network that is owned by members and has a multitude of benefits. The Internet of Insurance was created by a group of agents, insurance carriers, and advanced technology companies.
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Smart IoT Solutions in Insurance
Smart IoT Solutions in Insurance | Apr 05 2019
As we have discussed in our blog post about how IoT has made its way into the insurance industry, there are lots of ways smart IoT solutions have already made their way into different types of insurance companies and industries.
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Live Products
Live Products | Mar 31 2019
In today’s world, it seems like most of the products and objects we can buy and that are around us are smart, connected, and something we can interact with.
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IoT Smart Products Platform
IoT Smart Products Platform | Mar 24 2019
Evrythng is an IoT smart products platform that essentially turns anything into a smart product. Any physical product can get a “digital identity” so it can connect to the web and do things it could otherwise not do.
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How IoT Can Transform the Insurance Industry
How IoT Can Transform the Insurance Industry | Mar 17 2019
As you likely know by now, IoT has touched just about every industry in the world that you can think of. From fashion to cars to medicine, IoT is slowly transforming our industries and lives as we know them.
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Connected Packaging
Connected Packaging | Mar 10 2019
Our world is becoming more and more connected. We seem to use the Internet for just about everything and connected packages have become all the rage over the last few years.
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3 IoT Challenges of Insurance
3 IoT Challenges of Insurance | Mar 03 2019
As we have discussed on our other posts about IoT in the insurance industry and the Internet of Insurance, the insurance industry is known for being slow to change.
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Top Trends in Active Packaging
Top Trends in Active Packaging | Feb 24 2019
Active packaging is much more than just a package that covers and protects the item inside the package. Active packaging interacts with the items and the atmosphere inside of the package, when it comes to food packaging.
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The Biggest Trends in Corporate Wellness
The Biggest Trends in Corporate Wellness | Feb 17 2019
If you have never heard of corporate wellness before, it is generally a unique program that varies from company to company that focuses on the health and wellbeing of their employees.
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Growth Hacking in the Physical Worlds
Growth Hacking in the Physical World | Feb 08 2019
Growth hacking is both simple and complex. In the most basic form, growth hacking is a type of approach that takes quick steps and experimentation in order to market and/or develop a product. Although the process may be fast and experimental, it is well planned and precise.
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GDPR Implications
GDPR Implications | Feb 03 2019
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. Essentially, GDPR is a set of regulations and rules that are designed to give citizens of the European Union better control over their personal data.
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Corporate Hydration and the Impact on Productivity
Corporate Hydration and the Impact on Productivity | Jan 27 2019
There are seemingly countless ways that keeping hydrated is essential for your mind and your body. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day prevents dehydration, keeps your mind sharper, your skin clear, and keeps your energy levels up.
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Amazon DRS
Amazon DRS (Dash Replenishment Services) | Jan 13 2019
Amazon Dash Replenishment is when certain devices are connected to Amazon’s retail stores and in turn allows those places to automatically re-order items for their customers completely hassle-free.
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The Top 5 Retail Technology Trends of 2018
The Top 5 Retail Technology Trends of 2018 | Jan 06 2019
Retail continues to grow and change every day. Advances are made with new retail technologies and they are making their into our homes, our stores, and online.
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The Physical Web
The Physical Web: A Simple Overview | Dec 30 2018
The Physical Web is a Google Chrome project. It is not meant to replace or rebrand IoT but instead works in conjunction with IoT to provide people with the smoothest and most interactive experience possible.
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The Effects of Cold Chain Logistics Issues on Food
The Effects of Cold Chain Logistics Issues on Food | Dec 23 2018
Cold chain, in its most basic form, is a temperature-controlled supply chain that helps keep food fresh and from spoiling while in transit. Produce, meats, eggs, dairy, and other perishable food items are all moved by cold chain where they are not supposed to have any interruption in their refrigeration while in production, storage, and distribution.
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Product Reordering: Grocery Shopping Made Easy
Product Reordering: Grocery Shopping Made Easy | Dec 16 2018
Could you imagine a life where you never had to go to the grocery store again? You might since there are companies popping up all over the place that do your grocery shopping for you after you place your order online.
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What is Brand Protection?
How to Build a Consumer Engagement Strategy That Really Works | Dec 09 2018
Brand protection involves taking steps to stop revenue loss, develop customer trust, protecting any assets in your company, and maintaining and growing your brand’s reputation. Brand protection also includes protecting a company against any cyberattacks, counterfeit products, competitors, and actions of fraud.
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How to Build a Consumer Engagement Strategy That Really Works
How to Build a Consumer Engagement Strategy That Really Works | Dec 2 2018
A consumer engagement strategy is so important because it is the backbone of retaining loyal customers that love your brand, product, and business as a whole. A good customer engagement plan encourages your customers to engage and evolve with your brand as you grow and change.
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Food Shelf Life
Food Shelf Life: The Issues We Face Today | Nov 25 2018
It is not a though that most people have, but it is one of the biggest problems we face in the food industry today. Throughout the supply chain process, massive amounts of perishable food are lost between harvesting at the farm and making it to your dinner table.
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Brand Protection Tools You Need to Use
Brand Protection Tools You Need to Use | Nov 08 2018
Brand protection is a severely overlooked aspect in most business. It is often brushed under the rug and not discussed in the depth is should be.
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RFID Success Stories
RFID Success Stories | Nov 04 2018
RFID, or radio frequency identification, is a technology that allows unique tags placed on products to be read by a compatible reader. Generally, the reader can read the tag from up to a few feet away and does not need to be in the direct path of the tag.
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RFID Based Packaging
RFID Based Packaging | Oct 28 2018
RFID stands for radio frequency identification. Essentially, RFID uses radio waves to read and communicate with specific information that is part of a tag on a certain product. The tag can then be read by a reader that can read the tag from nearby or a few feet away from the tag. The reader does not need to be in the direct path of the tag.
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Product Reordering
Product Reordering | Oct 21 2018
Any company that makes or carries products will need to reorder products before they run out. Before new technology came to fruition that assist with the reordering process, employees at stores would need to manually track, manage, and re-order all products.
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What Is LoRa Network/Technology?
What Is LoRa Network/Technology? | Oct 14 2018
LoRa Network and Technology were created by Semtech. The LoRa Networks takes the place of a cellular network and can be used in the public and private sector. LoRa uses a unique combination of long range and low power consumption that gives users better coverage and provides highly secure data transmissions when there is no cellular network or Wi-Fi available.
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5 Ways the Internet of Retail Will Change the Way You Shop
Consumer Engagement in 2018 | Oct 07 2018
In the simplest form, consumer engagement is when a company develops a purposeful relationship with their consumer base. The relationship helps to foster a sense of brand loyalty and keeps the customers interested and engaged with the company.
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5 Ways the Internet of Retail Will Change the Way You Shop
5 Ways the Internet of Retail Will Change the Way You Shop | Oct 02 2018
The Internet of Retail has been gaining popularity over the last few years. Although you may not realize the changes in your shopping habits are due to technological advancements, the shifts we have seen in the retail industry over the last twenty years prove just how much shopping in stores have changed.
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5 Myths About the LoRa Network
5 Myths About the LoRa Network | Sep 21 2018
The LoRa Network, created by Semtech, is a simple, yet complex technology that aims to take place of a cellular network. It can be used both publicly and privately through long range and low power consumption giving users improved coverage and highly secure data transmissions that does not require a Wi-Fi or wireless connection.
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NFC Success Stories
NFC Success Stories | Sep 16 2018
NFC technology, or near-field communication, has gained some tracking in the past few years, particularly in the IoT and smart packaging industries. Any companies have begun to recognize the value and capabilities of NFC technology and begun to incorporate it into their products and smart packaging of those products.
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NFC Based Packaging
NFC Based Packaging | Aug 26 2018
Although NFC (near-field communication) technology may sound confusing and complicated, the premise of NFC is quite simplistic. Essentially, this technology allows the transfer of data between different devices to happen without any Internet connection. Everything is done wirelessly.
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The Internet of Retail
The Internet of Retail | Aug 19 2018
It is no surprise the IoT has showed in retail stores. Although you may not realize it, there have been significant shifts and changes in the last 20 years in the retail sector. Stores are becoming smart.
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The Importance of Consumer Engagement
The Importance of Consumer Engagement | Aug 05 2018
Consumer engagement, or customer engagement, is defined as, “the means by which a company creates a relationship with its customer base to foster brand loyalty and awareness.
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Smarter Packaging
Smarter Packaging | Aug 05 2018
Smart packaging is the type of packaging by using technology. Active and smart packaging (active and intelligent packaging) that is can adjust the environmental conditions inside the packaging with the needs of the packaged products.
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Sigfox - Everything You Need to Know | Jul 29 2018
Is the most basic form, Sigfox is a global IoT network that never needs to use and maintain a connection of networks to listen to the billions of connected devices that broadcast data.
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Blockchain and IoT
Blockchain and IoT | Jul 22 2018
Blockchain and IoT: Why They Need Each Other What is Blockchain? Before we can discuss why Blockchain and IoT are arguably reliable on each other, you must have an understanding of what Blockchain is.
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How IoT Is Impacting Retail
How IoT Is Impacting Retail | Jul 07 2018
IoT (the internet of things) is showing up in just about every aspect of our lives. From home to work to retail stores, IoT is integrating into your life, and you may not even realize it all the time
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The Digital Transformation in CPG
The Digital Transformation in CPG | Jul 01 2018
Consumers are turning their attention to the digital world – a world that makes their lives easier, better, and much more efficient.
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Smart Packaging in CPGs
Smart Packaging in CPGs | Jun 17 2018
Before the introduction of smart packaging, packages were merely designed for one main purpose – to keep the product inside safe, clean, and protected during the storage and shipment process.
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Circular Solutions In Food and Fashion Industries
Circular Solutions In Food and Fashion Industries | Jun 10 2018
A circular solution is a plan that allows the life of an item or a product to live full circle and get the most use of its life for as long as possible. This can branch off in a variety of directions and be slight differences in various industries.
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Adherence data in Clinical Trials
Adherence data in Clinical Trials | Jun 03 2018
Importance of Real-Time Adherence Data During Clinical Trials
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CPGs and the Importance of Consumer Engagement
CPGs and the Importance of Consumer Engagement | May 27 2018
The digital world is a place where consumer engagement is thriving. Digitalization makes consumers live much easier and more efficient
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Retail Technology
Retail Technology | May 21 2018
The retail and shopping landscape is changing rapidly. We will be the retail space grow, expand, and improve more in the next ten years than it ever has before
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Direct to Customer in the CPG Domain
Direct to Customer in the CPG Domain | May 13 2018
Many people rely on trains as their main form of transportation, especially in larger cities around the world. Trains are generally inexpensive to ride, provide certain conveniences like quicker travel in congested areas, and are more environmentally friendly compared to other modes of transportation
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The Internet of Trains
The Internet of Trains | May 07 2018
Many people rely on trains as their main form of transportation, especially in larger cities around the world. Trains are generally inexpensive to ride, provide certain conveniences like quicker travel in congested areas, and are more environmentally friendly compared to other modes of transportation
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Frictionless Replenish
Frictionless Replenish | Apr 30 2018
Automatic Replenish Controlled by Smart Packaging
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Ecommerce To Digital Commerce
Ecommerce To Digital Commerce | Apr 22 2018
E-commerce is any business that does its transactions, sales, marketing, and anything else business related over the Internet
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Cold Chain Quality Monitoring
Cold Chain Quality Monitoring | Apr 15 2018
In order to keep food and other temperature sensitive items fresh and safe, proper distribution must be practiced
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The Internet of Cosmetics
The Internet of Cosmetics | Apr 08 2018
When we think of the Internet of Things, we think of smartphones, smart watches, smart TVs and other connected devices.
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The Evolution of Commerce
Recycling and Sustainability | Mar 20 2018
Solid waste (SW) is more commonly known as trash or garbage. We generate trash every single day and often don’t think about the waste we create and throw away on a daily basis.
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The Evolution of Commerce
The Evolution of Commerce | Mar 11 2018
In the most basic form, commerce is a branch of business. It involves the exchange of goods and services for money and is an essential part of our life today, and has been for thousands of years
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Product Replenishment
Product Replenishment | Mar 04 2018
Product replenishment, in its most basic form, is when retailers receive shipments of specific products on a recurring basis so they can support the demand of said product to customers in retail stores or online.
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How much should we drink each day
Product as a Service in the IoT Domain | Feb 26 2018
Product as a service in the IoT domain is gaining popularity among manufactures. It is becoming increasingly popular because it leads to increased customer engagement and offers a new variety of revenue streams for those manufacturers.
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How much should we drink each day
How Much Water Should You Actually Drink Every Day? | Dec 11 2017
Once thought of as an easy question, figuring out how much water you should drink on a daily basis is not cut and dry. The age-old rule of thumb is to drink eight 8oz glasses of water per day, which equates to approximately half a gallon. While this may be a great start to your water intake, it is not always enough for every person.
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Internet of Things in the Fashion Industry
Internet of Things in the Fashion Industry | Nov 27 2017
Thought the fashion industry could escape IoT? Well, think again, because IoT is currently changing the face of the fashion industry in more ways than you could imagine. IoT is all about connecting people and products to make customers, manufacturers, companies, stores, etc. to make life easier in some capacity. Therefore, it is not too much of a stretch to imagine implementing IoT into fashion and the fashion industry.
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All About Bioplastics: Are They Really Better?
All About Bioplastics: Are They Really Better? | Oct 1 2017
In simpler terms, bioplastics are made from plants. For instance, these plastics are made from cellulose, which is derived from trees and plants – the main substance used to create these plastics comes from “biomass” (meaning renewable bio-organisms that are living or have recently been alive.)
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Digital Health and Connected Devices
Digital Health and Connected Devices | Sep 17 2017
Digital health is becoming increasing popular and is taking the healthcare world by storm. Digital health embodies a wide scope of areas that include anything that falls into the following categories: mobile health, personalized medicine, tele-health, tele-medicine, wearable devices, and health information technology.
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Digital Health and Clinical Trials
Digital Health and Clinical Trials | Sep 10 2017
Digital health is taking over the healthcare industry by storm in many different aspects. As we discussed in our “Digital Health and Connected Devices” blog post, the medical and healthcare industry is shifting its practices to digitalize and smart technology-based systems. This move is so important because it not only connects doctors and patients, but individuals have the ability to track their own health and progress. People will become more in-tune with their bodies, changes it makes, and things that need medical attention as soon as possible.
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How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety | Sep 03 2017
Stress and anxiety are two of the biggest mental health issues that plague our society as a whole. From daily life, the finances, to family and relationship issues – there is always something to worry about and stress over. Constant stress and worry brews up an entire host of issues, both mental and physical. Stress and anxiety can cause unpleasant physical symptoms that include by are not limited to headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, dry mouth, trouble breathing, shakiness, and so much more.
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Beyond the Pill: An Exploration of the Biggest Challenges
Beyond the Pill: An Exploration of the Biggest Challenges | Aug 27 2017
As we explored in our other blog post, “Beyond the Pill Overview,” the pharmaceutical industry has begun huge shifts into a more customer-centric and outcome based focus and goal. It is no longer about just providing patients and customers with medications and pills to help treat their illnesses and ailments – it’s about helping patients achieve long-term heath and improving overall wellbeing.
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Beyond the Pill
Beyond the Pill | Aug 20 2017
For many years there has been a huge push in the pharmaceutical industry to move “beyond the pill.” So what does this mean exactly? The main sources of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry are pills and medications. However, many believe there is opportunity to move past this narrow market and branch out into move comprehensive services and diversify revenue.
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What You Need to Know About Clinical Trials
What You Need to Know About Clinical Trials | Aug 13 2017
Clinical trials are so important because it allows clinicians, doctors, researches, and others in the medical community to develop and eventually release new treatments for different sicknesses and diseases.
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Digital Health and IoT Devices
Digital Health and IoT Devices | Aug 6 2017
The healthcare industry is starting to transform right in front of our eyes. Pen and paper have been the method of choice for writing prescriptions, recording information during appointments, and the like, for decades. However, essentially everything in hospitals and doctors offices are becoming digitalized.
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Medical Adherence and Compliance During Clinical Trials
Medical Adherence and Compliance During Clinical Trials | Jul 23 2017
According to Moe Alsumidaie, “a 20%-30% decrease in medication adherence may result in increasing the patient sample size by 50% in order to maintain sufficient statistical power, and a 40% non-adherence rate would require a 200% increase in the sample size in order to maintain significant statistical power, resulting in increased clinical trial costs, and medical product approval delays.
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IoT Products to Assist in Clinical Trials
IoT Products to Assist in Clinical Trials | Jul 16 2017
Smart and connected IoT products have infiltrated our lives in more ways than we can imagine. Society has become so used to using smart phones, smart watches, and smart TV, and the like, we can hardly imagine a time where we lived without these modern conveniences. Essentially, anything can become a smart product if it can connect to the Internet, gather its own data, and analyze that information/data.
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What is Patient Compliance? How IOP Can Help
What is Patient Compliance? How The Internet of Packaging Can Help | Jul 02 2017
Fantastic healthcare and great treatment for patients are only as good as the ability of the patient to follow recommended treatment regimens. More often than not, patients either fail to follow their doctor’s treatment orders, misremember directions, simply forget what they need to do to remain healthy.
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Automatic Temperature Control
Automatic Temperature Control | Jun 25 2017
Automatic Temperature Controls (ATC) are complex systems incorporated into many newer car models. These temperature control systems take many different factors into consideration when setting and keeping the desired temperature inside the cabin of a car.
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Designing for Internet of Things
Designing for Internet of Things | Jun 11 2017
Our world is connected – and it is becoming even more connected as time goes on. Humans, computers and other digital devices are advancing and evolving together. Digital ecosystems are taking up more and more space in our world.
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Augmented Reality and Smart Packaging
Augmented Reality and Smart Packaging | Jun 04 2017
In the smart packaging industry, augmented reality is used to create a deeper bond and further interaction with its customers. Say you take a trip to the store and find a new product that interests you.
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The future of connected lives
The future of connected lives | May 29 2017
Ever wonder what the world will be like when technology advances to the point where everything we do is automated and connected with other people, machines, robots, and intelligent systems?
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What is Amazon Dash
What is Amazon Dash? | May 21 2017
Essentially, Amazon Dash is a Wi-Fi enabled button that can reorder you favorite household items by pressing the designated button.
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Top 10 FMCG Companies in India
Top 10 FMCG Companies in India | April 23 2017
Fast moving consumer goods, also known as FMCG, are consumer goods that sell at a high rate for a low cost. Typically, these good are items such as milk, produce like fruits and veggies, over-the-counter medications, beverages, and the like.
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smart packaging trends cosmetics
Latest Trends: Smart Packaging in Cosmetics | April 09 2017
Smart packaging in the beauty and cosmetics industry is very much alive and well. With IoT and smart packing on the rise throughout the world, cosmetics and makeup are sure to benefit as well.
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stop counterfeit products
How Can We Stop Counterfeit Products? | March 26 2017
Counterfeit products have been an issue for decades.
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autonomous cars
Autonomous cars and Internet of Things | March 19 2017
An autonomous car is a fancy way of saying a self-driving car or driverless car
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internet of things in sports
Internet of Things in Sports | March 12 2017
The Internet of Things has infiltrated itself into almost every aspect of our lives
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iot vs wot
IoT vs. WoT: A Complicated Differentiation | March 05 2017
The difference between the IoT and the WoT may appear as a straightforward and easy to make distinction
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sport drinks
Sports Drinks: A Functional Beverage | February 26 2017
A function beverage is any type of drink that contains added, non-typical ingredients that have health benefits
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are you dehydrated
Symptoms of dehydration | February 19 2017
Dehydration is one of the most common causes for a host of unpleasant symptoms many face on a day-to-day basis
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health care innovations
Health Care Innovations That Take Medicine to the Future | February 12 2017
Our future in medicine continues to grow exponentially every day
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plastic packaging technologies
Plastic Packaging Technologies | February 05 2017
Gone are the days of boring, generic, and valueless plastic packaging
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automatic product replenish
Automatic Product Replenish - what is it? | January 29 2017
Automatic replenishment is the ability for online stores and/or brands to get ahead of their customers order patterns by automatically sending them their favorite product(s) before they run out
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smart packaging retailers benefit
Smart Packaging: How Retailers can Benefit | January 22 2017
Product packaging has been around for centuries
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active packaging examples
Active Packaging and why we need it | January 16 2017
Active packaging was created to help preserve the freshness and safety of various products
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internet of medical things
Internet of Medical Things | December 18 2016
IoMT, is a group of various medical devices, equipment, and applications that are able to connect with computer networks.
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smart water bottles
Smart Water Bottles | December 11 2016
The Smart Water Bottle industry continues to boom.
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hydration products
Smart Hydration Products | December 04 2016
Making sure your body is properly hydrated is essential for overall wellbeing and good health.
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smart home technology
Smart Home Technology | November 27 2016
Smart technologies and home improvement tools have combined to make smart homes a realistic.
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smart home technology
Wearable Health Technology | November 21 2016
Electronic goods continue to advance becoming more discreet and smarter.
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the future of pharma
The Future of Pharma | November 13 2016
In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has been a subject of public and political debate due to the rising cost and limited availability of prescription medications.
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smart energy management
Smart Energy Management | November 07 2016
Energy and electricity usage has always been a concern for home and business owners.
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internet of everything
What is the Internet of Everything? | October 30 2016
As the tech world continues to grow, so does the terminology used to describe the new devices and trends that emerge each year
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the internet of things
The Internet of Things: 10 Useful Products You Must Try in 2016 | October 25 2016
As we mentioned in another article (What is the Internet of Everything?) the new technology on the rise are those devices compatible with the internet
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smart pill technologies
Smart Pill Technologies can help patients | October 19 2016
As our medicinal needs grow so does the technology that delivers our medicine
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edible food packaging
Edible Food Packaging | October 09 2016
Today food packaging has become more important than ever to manufacturers
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save lives
How smart packaging can save lives | October 05 2016
It is important to realize how packaging can impact our products and our consumption
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drink distilled water
Can You Drink Distilled Water? | September 18 2016
Most of the water we drink goes through its own filtration process before it reaches us through our faucet or in a bottle and there are many different kinds of filtration systems
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tap water bottled water
Tap Water vs. Bottled Water | September 12 2016
In our society there are many sources where you can get your water; tap water, bottled water, collected rainwater and even well water.
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smart water really good
Is Smart Water Really Good for You? | September 05 2016
We’ve all heard about mineral enhanced water and bottled water that comes with added vitamins and electrolytes.
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internet affects retailers
Internet Affects Retailers | August 28 2016
Consumers are always looking for the best deal, the best merchandise and the easiest way to access their favorite stores and products.
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new water technologies
New Water Technologies | August 21 2016
With the world’s population growing, water resources are becoming more scarce and new water technologies are in dire need.
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shipping smart packages
How Smart Packages Are Changing the Shipping Industry | August 14 2016
What is Smart, Intelligent or “Active” Packaging? These terms are all related in that the package is actively functioning and not passively used for simply shipping products from one place to another
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top cities breaking
Top Cities and Countries That Are Breaking the Mold in Water Conservation | August 07 2016
The world’s population is growing and climates are changing making water technologies even more important to increase conservation and provide access to clean, fresh water
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Adherence vs. Compliance: A Subtle Difference | July 31 2016
The number of people being treated for a chronic illness is increasing every year.
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smart technologies fighting fraud
Smart Technologies Fighting Fraud | July 24 2016
In recent years, the food and beverage industry has increasingly been a victim to counterfeit merchandise in which other manufacturers try to mimic their branding or product.
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25 facts about water
25 Facts About Water That You Didn’t Know | July 17 2016
Water is a valuable commodity as we need water to keep our bodies functioning, clean our homes, and grow our food. Below are some interesting facts about water and how it is used around the world.
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importance of electrolytes
Importance of Electrolytes | July 10 2016
We all know that electrolytes are important to our bodies because we see them added to things like sports drinks and bottled water. But what makes electrolytes special and how do they impact our bodies?
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hydration tracking app
Hydration Tracking Apps | May 23 2016
If you are trying to optimize your hydration levels, one of the top free apps to help you on your way would be a tracking app that monitors your hydration. The best tracking app may depend on your personal needs; but if you’re looking to track your water intake daily, you’ll want to seek out a water-tracking app.
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healthy lifestyle
Which Water is Best? Different Choices Fit Different Lifestyles | 14 January 2016
The benefits of drinking water are plenty; increased hydration helps our bodies run efficiently, which can help us succeed in many challenging tasks, both physical and mental.
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importance of water consumption
The Importance of Water and How We Can Consume It | 10 December 2015
Water is, and always has been, essential to everyday life. Like many other flora and fauna, humans are dependent on water to function. Our bodies are made up of nearly 70% water, and our major organs are much more dependent on it to function.
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  • Enable Digital Reorder
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