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the IoT Smart Packaging Company

Our Story

Water.IO was established in 2015 as a result of a medical problem that plagued the young daughter of one of the co-founders. A problem that we were shocked to discover was easily resolved by simply drinking more water. After speaking to physicians, care-givers and experts, we understood that despite the fact that we have available drinking water around all of us, we simply don't drink enough. We were surprised to discover that dehydration is a major problem in our fast-paced modern world. There are many reasons that people don’t get enough water in their daily activities. Most often, people simply forget to drink, or don’t realize how much water they need.

The Hydration problem

In the US alone dehydration results in at least 1.5 million outpatient visits, 200,000 hospitalizations, and 300 deaths per year. We decided to help solve this problem. This is how it all began. We began by designing and patenting a disposable IoT Smart-Cap sensor, for disposable water bottles, that alert the user when to drink more to stay properly hydrated.

IoT Smart Packaging

However, over the past 2 years, we expanded way beyond water and today we're the only company with a commercially available disposable IoT smart-caps solution for the pharma, beauty, cleaning and additional industries. Today, is able to transform any bottle into a smart bottle – no matter if contains a liquid, powder, pill, or capsule. The company is founded & managed by full time serial entrepreneurs and supported by 10 full & part time employees & sub-contractors.

The Digital Solution For You
  • Improved Compliance
  • Real Consumer Engagement
  • Enable Digital Reorder
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